Tips for a peaceful Christmas 

Today is American Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving traditions go back to the English settlement Plymouth, Massachusetts, but today Thanksgiving is generally celebrated as a non-secular Harvest Festival. Thanksgiving is a day for families to come together and celebrate all the things they are thankful for.

Gratitude is an important attribute. It can be incredibly comforting to think about all the things we are grateful for, and often it can make us realise just how lucky we are!

Try this Relax Kids gratitude meditation at home with your children:

Close your eyes and be very still. Take in a deep breath and breathe all the way out. Breathe in slowly and breathe out slowly.

Now think of all the things in your life that you are grateful for. Think about having a home to keep you warm and safe, having people in your life that love you. Think about how lucky you are to have good food. Spend some time saying thank you quietly in your mind.

Now think about all your possessions and how lucky you are to have clean clothes and toys. Think about your favourite toy and feel so grateful and lucky.

Now, think about your friends and people that you laugh and play with. Feel yourself smiling inside as you think about your friends and how lucky you are to have special friends.

Spend a few moments thinking about all the special adventures and experiences that you have had recently. Where have you been that was special. What did you do that made you feel happy inside. Stay still and really appreciate how lucky you are to have these experiences.

As you sit there quietly, feel very calm and appreciative. Feel a warm feeling of gratitude surround you like a blanket. Continue to breathe in and out gently as you feel grateful and happy.

See how long you can keep this feeling for.

For more meditations for children, try our best-selling