Is classroom stress, stressing you out?
Are you worried about the number of young people struggling with anxiety in your classroom?
Do you need quick tools to support your pupils?
“I work in the Behaviour Improvement Team and have used Relax Kids in Circle Time. It improves the class atmosphere; children learn skills to manage to calm; learning is improved.”
Helen Wright
“Children in my class look forward to Relax Kids and their confidence and self-esteem has begun to rocket! My absolute favourite part of the meditation is seeing the pleasure on the children's faces and them nodding along in agreement as they visualise themselves as calm and confident kids in most beautiful settings.”
Zoe RossTeacher
“As a primary school teacher I was struggling with the nature of the job and wanted to offer to something to children that focused on the whole child and their well being as opposed to them being a percentage on a spreadsheet. I have always tried to implement relaxation and mindfulness into the classroom environment however felt it wasn’t enough. Whilst on a retreat I discovered ‘Aladdin’s Magic Carpet, 52 Meditations for Children’ by Marneta Viegas and thought - I wish I could teach this for a living. Low and behold after a little research I realised I could through Relax Kids!
The training itself was amazing. Unlike most training courses I’ve been on, this was hands on and extremely practical - which is what made it so valuable for me. The Relax Kids training offers a ready made business in a tin, with an incredible wealth of resources online to access. The hard work has been done for us - we get to roll it out and spread the joy! It has changed my life, as well as many children I work with. I can’t recommend it enough, thank you!”
Tilly WilkinsonPrimary Teacher
"I have recently started using the Relax Kids audios in my classroom to help my children who have emotional and behavioural difficulties to relax and calm down. I have combined it with some positive suggestions and muscle relaxation exercises - the results are amazing!”
Thank you Relax Kids for making a huge difference to our whole school! Not only do we have relaxed kids we also have relaxed teachers and enthused, relaxed parents! The children are calmer, which in turn has helped to improve their concentration skills and social skills.”
Nikki Wellings