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be calm and confident in all times

Self-regulation resources and training to support children’s mental health


In a sleep survey, it was found that nearly two thirds of children in the UK aren’t getting enough sleep. A lack of sleep can have an impact on behaviourAL and cognitive problems.

Troublesome bedtimes can have a devastating effect on family relationships. It can put a strain on the relationship between parent and child, where parents might feel that they have to ‘tell off’ their children every night. It can also leave parents or carers feeling as if they have no time to themselves in the evening, or to spend with each other. 

Lack of sleep can also affect children’s performance in school. Children who haven’t had enough sleep aren’t able to concentrate, engage with their learning or even interact with their classmates. Over-tired children are becoming the norm, with more than a third of primary school teachers saying this is a daily problem for them. 

Sleep deprivation has been linked with several serious health concerns, including depression and obesity. However, the good news is that overwhelming evidence suggests that early intervention can significantly reduce the risk of health implications (Baglioni et al, 2011). Sleeping problems should therefore be dealt with as soon as possible.

Symptoms of sleep deprivation:
Morning Grogginess
Falling asleep in the day
Moodiness and irritability 
Temper tantrums
Lack of emotional control
Poor attention span and alertness
Poorer memory and concentration
Lack of motivation
Behaviour issues

Children need between 9 and 10 hours. Teenagers need around 9-10 hours.

Help your child switch off their mind with simple sleep tips:
Encouraging calming activities at least an hour before bed
Dim the lights as the evening progresses
Encourage your child to stay in bed whilst they read, stretch, give their hands a massage or listen to calming music
Let them stroke some soft velvet or a cuddly toy or cuddle a hot water bottle
Older children can journal for a while if they are struggling to sleep
Humming can help calm down the nervous system and relax face and neck
Deep breathing can bring deep feelings of relaxation
Affirmations such as ‘I feel sleepy, I am relaxed’ can be repeated
Try playing a Relax Kids audio or read from one of the Relax Kids books.

After many sleepless nights with my 3 year old son, I was sure there wasn’t an end to the cycle of waking 3-4 times in night. I didn’t think the Relax Kids CD would work straight away but after about 45 mins he was totally quiet! When morning came I realised he hadn’t woken once in night. Next night was the same, except he was asleep within 15 minutes! It definitely works.


This CD brilliant, my 9 year old son has Aspergers and it really helps him to switch off and reduce his anxiety levels at bedtime.


We bought the Quiet Spaces CD last week and already Amelia ( 6yrs ) is settling well at bedtime. Thank you!


Tonight, after some gentle persuasion, Tom fell asleep on his own listening to your Quiet Spaces CD. I’m so pleased! Previously he wasn’t happy unless I was lying in bed with him while he clambered, chattered and sang himself to sleep! Thank you.
