7 Stressbusters

When a child is stressed, sometimes they finds it hard to express it! So, try to spend time together talking about problems and stresses.

Here are our 7 Stressbusters to for you to try.

  1. Relax – Make sure your child has some time each day to rest and unwind with some TV, games, puzzles etc.
    Meditate – Just 5 minutes meditation twice a day can have a profound effect on child stress.
    Listen to Relax Kids Audio’s here.
  2. Massage – A few minutes head or shoulder massage will do wonders for your child’s stress levels.
  3. Breathe – Slow and deep breaths are an almost instant stress reliever.
  4. Write – Encourage your child to write a journal or diary and so they can identify their thoughts and feelings Routine.
  5. Exercise – vigorous exercise is one of the best stress relievers.
  6. Hug – Having a hug is a great healer and will make your child feel safe and secure.
  7. Rest – Make sure your child has plenty of sleep.

Please note that children are great imitators and if they will mimic the way that adults around them handle stress.

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