Good Mood Food
Cut down on sugary snacks that meddle with the blood sugar and can affect mood. Lots of fresh vegetable soup will bring winter cheer to your family table. Bananas are a great mood enhancer and provide lots of mental energy. They contain serotonin, a mood lifting substance and dopamine, which is great for emotional balance,
Have Fun
When it is dull, the last thing you want to do is take the children outside. Getting the kids to have fun and exercise in the open air will bring them more energy and make them feel great. Even running and jumping in puddles will increase their heart rate and give them a feel great factor!
Hugs & Cuddles
There is nothing better on a winter’s day, than snuggling up and having a cuddle. Lots of hugs and cuddles will remind your child that he/she is loved, which can improve a child’s behaviour. Try some gentle massage strokes on your child’s back, forehead or arms. Better still, see if they will give you a massage back!
Water Everywhere!
The heavens are opening at this time of year and water is everywhere outside. It is easy to remember to take water inside when the weather is hot, but easily forgotten in rainy weather. Water will help flush out toxins and helps the nervous system work better, so improving your child’s mood and brain power.
Music is a great mood enhancer. Pop on some fun and lively music and get the family dancing in the living room. You’ll feel so much better after a good dance than watching reality TV.
Stay Light
We can often feel low in winter, as we are taking in less sunlight and many adults and some children are affected by Seasonal Affect