New Years Resolutions

What will you achieve this year…

New Year’s is an occasion celebrated all across the world, people get together and rejoice to ring in the upcoming year, the earliest known New Year celebrations were in Mesopotamia and date back to 2000 BC.

It is the perfect time to reflect on the year, looking back on what went well, what you have achieved& sometimes, where you can improve. Adding to that, it’s also the best time to look ahead to forthcoming year, what things you are looking forward too and what you want to accomplish.

It is tradition among most of the world to make a New Year’s resolution, whether that’s to stop a bad habit or to start a good one. What better time to motivate yourself to go and achieve that one thing you’ve been seeking for some time, or to put a stop to that bad habit which annoys you. One thing people find with making a resolution at the beginning of the year is that they do not see it through. However, studies show that it takes 66 days to form a habit. That is just over two months or 9 and a half weeks, so that resolution you are trying to keep for the whole year will become a habit after 66 days. After that period of time, your resolution will just become another part of your life and you will do it without even thinking.

Resolutions differ from everyone, some may wish to get active, be more mindful or try to eat healthier. Whilst others may try to completely change the direction of their lives, to find a new calling or to pursue the goal they’ve always dreamed of. Whatever the resolution may be, we all aspire to better ourselves and those around us.

At Relax Kids, our resolution is to keep on supporting children’s mental health in every way possible. Children are our future, it should be a priority to make sure they get the best possible start.

We’ll be doing our bit, but you can help too. Become a Relax Kids coach and teach children how to grow up calm and confident. Find out more about our Training Courses and how you can make a difference.