Both bullies and their victims can often benefit from some anger management techniques.
Helping a child who continues to bully, deal with their emotions, anger and aggression is vital. Encouraging children to develop empathy skills is also important as is helping a child recognize that they are a good person, deep down inside.
Relaxation can play an important part in this process as children spend time thinking about their behaviour and connecting with their goodness and strengths.
Relax Kids has created an ANGER MANAGEMENT CD that helps children relax and manage their anger. Relaxation strategies such as progressive muscle relaxation, breathing exercises, positive self talk and visualisations have been shown to be extremely effective treatment components for reducing stress and tension in children and young people.
These tracks can been used to help bring peace and calm to children as well as provide anger management tools for future outbreaks. This CD can also help promote empathetic skills and a positive expression of feelings. It helps children feel their own power and helps give them the power to improve their behaviour. Examples include: stepping into a cooling pool, floating like a feather, melting and sitting in a peaceful cave. These relaxations aim to develop peace and calm as children are introduced to relaxation exercises and simple anger management techniques. Enjoy!
Here is a comment from a parent who brought her child to a Relax Kids class in Scotland.
“Sadie apologised to her friend after being at Relax Kids. She didn’t fight with anyone at the open day – she usually finds someone to annoy. Her report at parent’s evening was a complete turn around from being recommended to a psychologist to being a happy little girl helping everyone.
ANGER MANAGEMENT MP3 available here
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